Category Archives: Bez kategorii

The seven ingredients of dog food that can cause allergies

Before you pick up that bag of kibble your dog loves so much, read up on canine food allergies. Anyone else feel totally overwhelmed when you wander the dog food aisles at the pet store? There are so many options — and some of the food is pretty darn expensive. But even if you pick a bag of […]

Want to live longer? Get a dog

The benefits that come with owning a dog are clear – physical activity, support, companionship – but owning a dog could literally be saving your life. Dog ownership is associated with a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and death, finds a new Swedish study published Friday in the journal Scientific Reports. For people living alone, […]

Human Foods Dogs Can Eat

Most healthy foods that are good for us are relatively good for dogs. However, it’s important to research what you can feed your pup before you do it. If you can’t say no to that adorable face staring up at you from the floor as you eat, check out these list. Peanut butter. This is a great […]

Skin problems in dogs

  Several whole-body disorders produce changes in the skin. In some instances, the skin changes are characteristic of the particular disease. Often, however, the signs are not obviously associated with the underlying condition and must be carefully differentiated from primary skin disorders. Skin disorders can be associated with nutritional deficiencies, especially of proteins, fats, minerals, […]

Human Foods Dogs Can’t Eat

Check out this list of the most poisonous foods for dogs and be sure you keep them far away from your pup’s curious snout! Chocolate and cocoa. Just one bite can cause a dog to vomit or have diarrhea. It can also cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and death. Grapes. Grapes are known to […]

Disorders of Calcium Metabolism in Dogs

Calcium is an essential component of the skeleton, and it has important functions in muscle contraction, blood clotting, enzyme activity, the nervous system, and hormone release, among others. Many different metabolic disorders affect calcium metabolism and can lead to abnormally high or low levels of calcium in the blond. In dogs, the most common disorder […]

Halloween – not for people only

Pumpkin is a miracle food for dogs. Is a great source of beta carotene and vitamin A and help keep your pup’s digestive system on track (good for both diarrhea and constipation). Oils found in pumpkin seeds and flesh support urinary health. Dogs with urinary incontinence, in particular, may benefit from a little pumpkin in their diet […]

How much and how often to feed

If dogs ran the world, the restaurants with dog food would be open 24 hours a Day. Most dogs love to eat. And eat. And eat some more. But though it’s tempting to show your love with extra helpings, or by making food available all day, overfeeding does no dog any favors. (Overweight pets can […]

DIY – Sweet Potato Chews

Prepare for your dog these single ingredient fiber – and vitamin-rich treats. All you need is raw sweet potato. Pure, easy, and unadulterated, dog treats don’t get any healthier, easier or less expensive than this. Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 250° F. 2. Scrub the sweet potato or yam. No need to peel. 3. Cut it […]