Warning signs that your dog has a heart problem

Just like people, dogs can suffer from heart issues, and if the problems are serious enough, dogs can even die from them. Protect your dog’s heart health by knowing the common signs and causes, learning how to keep their heart strong, and what to do if a problem exists.

There are several possible symptoms that you may notice if your dog is having heart problems. Obviously, many of them can be related to other causes, but if a number of these symptoms present themselves together heart issues are more likely:

Vomiting – this is often accompanied by a poor appetite.

Swollen belly – typically from a fluid buildup in his organs — including his lungs.

Fatigue – your dog is getting tired more easily than normal, or refusing to play.

Fainting – because not enough blood can get to the brain.

Fever – the normal body temperature of a dog ranges from 99.5 °F to 102.5 °F a body temperature of at least 103.5 °F indicates fever.

Increase in heart rate – In critical cases, you can observe this by simply laying your hand on your dog’s chest. The normal heart rate in small breeds is up to 120 beats per minute, in dogs of medium breeds 90 and in large ones 60. The accelerated heart rate is 160 beats per minute in medium dogs, 140 in giant dogs, 180 in small dogs and 220 in puppies.

Excessive coughing – especially while or right after exercising, or an hour or two before bedtime.

Breathing heavily – showing difficulty breathing or while exercising.

Loss of weight – as a result of heart problems, the dog may experience a sudden loss of body weight due to loss of the ability to store healthy fat or vice versa, often overweight dogs, obese have heart problems, which is a secondary obesity problem in this case.

Discomfort – you may notice your dog pacing more than usual and avoiding laying down due to discomfort.

Bluish-gray tongue or gums – this is due to poor flow of oxygen.

Common causes of heart issues in dog – Why do heart issues come up? There are a number of different reasons:

Old age – Just as with people, the hearts of dogs get weaker as they age. This can lead to several different problems.

Injury – if your dog is hurt in certain ways, it can damage her heart or cause added pressure that forces the heart to work harder — for example, a broken rib.

Infection – various types of infections are known to cause heart damage. These include bacterial infection of the endocardium around the heart, parvovirus, Lyme disease and Chagas’ disease.

Diet – a poor diet that is high in fat can make it much more likely for your dog to develop heart problems — especially if you allow them to grow obese.

Exercise – dogs need exercise, but you also have to know their limits. If you put too much strain on a dog’s heart, it can cause problems.

Breed – some breeds are just more susceptible to heart issues than others. It’s a long list, so consult your veterinarian about your specific breed or breed-mix. The top six dogs on the list, susceptible to three or more likely heart conditions, are the German shepherd, boxer, cocker Spaniel, Great Dane, Labrador retriever, and Rottweiler.

General tips for canine heart health – want to keep your dog’s heart healthy for as long as possible? While it’s impossible to prevent heart disease in every case, there are things you can do to decrease your dog’s odds of developing cardiac issues.

Maintain proper body weight – if a dog is overweight, it means that his heart has to work harder and it will be more likely to develop issues.

Engage in regular exercise – consider first your dog’s abilities. Even if you start out slowly, simply work your way up gradually, and pay attention to your dog’s specific needs. Regular exercise will make her heart stronger.

Pay attention – watch for the signs listed above. Your vet should always check for signs of a heart murmur or abnormal rhythm. Be sure to ask your vet about it and follow all advice she gives you.

Go to the vet – it’s important to have regular checkups at the vet and proper diagnostic tests to keep your dog’s heart healthy. Time is of essence when it comes to cardiac problems. If you suspect that there is a heart issue, don’t delay! Get to the vet immediately for proper diagnosis and the most appropriate course of treatment.

Josh Weiss-Roessler, https://www.cesarsway.com/dog-care/diagnosing-a-dog/Warning-signs-that-your-dog-has-a-heart-problem (06.02.2018)


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