EHAA – a test that is worth doing

Elemental Hair Analysis EHAA determines levels of 24 nutritional and toxic elements and proportions of elements in the dog’s body. EHAA test should be done by every owner who wants his dog to be healthy and enjoy the proper physical condition. For this purpose, he should check if he balances his meals in an appropriate way.

The EHAA test is 100% non-invasive – dog isn’t subjected to a stressful situation as for testing is taken a sample of hair.

Each EHAA test includes a consultation of the result with an expert – during written consultation with an animal dietitian, the owner receives information on the nutritional status of his dog. The evaluation of nutrition is carried out on the basis of the interpretation of the results of the EHAA test, additional tests (like blood or urine tests) and nutritional interview. The owner receives recommendations on the type of feeding, the type of food used and the possible need to introduce feed additives and their types.

The owner of the dog receives an online access to the PetsDiag Panel – giving the opportunity to create a virtual dog’s profile, documentation of his health history, contact with an expert in the field of animal nutrition and gathering personalized tips and dietary recommendations in one place.

Why the way of nutrition is so important?

A properly balanced food dose for dogs should provide all nutrients in the right proportions. This also applies to minerals that have many important functions in the body – they regulate the muscles, the nervous system, metabolism, and are building material. The dog’s body can not produce minerals itself, which are exogenous substances and must be supplied with food. That is why it is very important to deliver them every day in the right amount. A deficiency of minerals causes many disorders and health problems, but excess is also very harmful.

In addition, the appropriate ratios of elements are very important because of interactions that can inhibit the biological activity of the other (antagonism) or when one can replace the other or both can interact by increasing each other’s potency (synergism). Also, the use of minerals in the body can be differentiated individually, depending on the age, physiological condition, health, use.

EHAA – innovation in the diagnosis of animal health

Known methods for determining the use of minerals are often associated with the need to carry out complicated, time-consuming and expensive tests (eg using isotopes or determining the retention of ingredients). An ionogram of blood or urine can not always be used as a way to determine the absorption of all minerals. The blood is very well buffered and the body strives to maintain the homeostasis of minerals in the blood at all costs. In addition, the content of minerals in the blood is at a very low level. Whereas, the amount of minerals in the hair is several dozen – several hundred times higher so the mark is much easier. Elemental hair analysis allows you to determine the state of nutrition of the body in the last 2-3 months, because the hair growth rate in dogs is from 5.5 to 17 mm per month. Additionally, thanks to the research, it is possible to detect minerals deficiencies much earlier, and thus to react earlier without leading to a pathological condition. The EHAA analysis also allows for the determination of the toxic components (lead, mercury, aluminum) in the hair, in addition to macro- and micronutrients, which were significantly elevated in studies in dogs subjected to stress factors.

Dr Olga Lasek, specialist in nutrition for monogastric animals, Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Breeding and Animal Biology of University of Agriculture in Cracow, consultant of the results of elemental analysis of EHAA hair.

PetsDiag Team

PetsDiag is the answer to your dog’s needs

Hair Mineral Analysis

the non-invasive diagnostic test, conducted on the highest quality, certified equipment, which gives the most reliable result of nutritional and toxic levels in the dog’s body.

Consultations – written interpretation of the EHAA result

dietary support, which are designed to help you choose the best diet for your pet, based on hair mineral analysis test results.

The highest quality supplements

for targeted supplementation, tailored to specific needs, specific organism.