EHAA for a cat with expert consultation/e-kit (UE)

What’s included?

  • elemental hair analysis for your cat with a comprehensive report
  • A 45-minute consultation with a cat nutrition specialist (zoom)
  • e-kit for sampling, an online result and a chat with an expert – everything from the convenience of your home

Price: 149 GBP


EHAA elemental hair analysis for your cat

Save the environment and your time!

Order in a few easy steps:

  1. After buying an EHAA test you will receive an e-mail with the EHAA form. Print it and complete it legibly, please.
  2. Take a hair sample as instructed and put it along with the completed form into the paper envelope.
  3. Send the sample with the completed form back to the following address: Pets Diag S.A., ul. Lubiny 10C, 40-582 Katowice, Poland
  4. We will inform you that we received your cat’s sample at the e-mail address provided in the form.
  5. The waiting time for the result is 14 working days.
  6. After reviewing the result, order an expert consultation.

To get the result and order a consultation create a user account on the Pets Diag Panel. 

EHAA informs about the condition, disease trends and individual nutritional needs of the test cat.

How is this possible?

Based on the demonstrated levels of macro and micronutrients, as well as toxic elements that hinder the absorption of nutrients. Mineral excesses and deficiencies as well as heavy metals which load the body are not only the cause of many diseases and ailments but also make their therapy difficult.

The EHAA is an effective, non-invasive diagnostic test that gives a picture of the state of biochemical balance, that is the patient’s health. The test result determines the level of 24 elements in the organism. It helps in detecting many health problems and disease tendencies. The EHAA shows the concentration of both nutritional and toxic minerals in your cat’s body, which will help correct nutritional mistakes and make beneficial changes to his current diet.

The EHAA result contains a comprehensive report informing about the potential consequences of the indicated mineral deficiencies and excesses, as well as giving a hint on how to compensate for mineral deficiencies in the body and how to implement a proper diet and supplementation for the patient.

In addition, each result is consulted by a cat nutrition specialist, during a 45-minute consultation (Zoom).

The demand for macro and microelements is not the same for every cat

Even in the same organism, it isn’t constant, it fluctuates periodically due to internal and environmental factors. Diagnostics with the use of the EHAA method allows for constant control of the existing mineral imbalances, and thus for the diagnosis of many diseases already at the stage of asymptomatic development in the body.

The nutrient requirements of cats depend on:

  • their age, sex and breed – it is different in males, different in females, cats after castration and sterilization and different in puppies and growing cats
  • the level of physical activity – which is different for a young, active cat and for an older cat that doesn’t leave the house
  • reproductive period – proper preparation for mating also includes covering the additional demand for specific nutrients, which increases during this period
  • pregnancy or the absence of pregnancy and the lactation period – the need for minerals is greater in pregnant female cats during the period of fetal formation and growth and immediately after delivery due to the production of milk
  • the general condition of the organism, past or present diseases
  • seasons and temperature

The EHAA test allows you to recognize, control and restore the mineral balance in every cat’s body

Elemental Hair Analysis is a simple, non-invasive test that is worth doing if:

  • For preventive purposes, to check that the diet provides the cat with what he needs, that is all the necessary minerals
  • In the case of suspected health problems that require additional, detailed diagnostics
  • if  infertility or another disease was diagnosed that requires appropriate dietary management
  • If the cat is struggling with specific ailments obesity, allergy, kidney stones, deterioration of the skin and coat condition, digestive problems, diseases of the joints, bones, etc.
  • In the case of purebred, sports or exhibition cats, when you care about their peak form and beautiful appearance,
  • If your cat is your friend and you want to visibly increase his quality of life.

The EHAA result will inform you about:

The level of 24 elements in your cat’s body – 14 nutritional macro and microelements and 10 toxic elements that burden his or her body.

The result contains a description of the parameters shown in the test. As a result, you will receive valuable advice and dietary tips tailored to the needs of your cat.

Each result is consulted with a cat nutrition specialist, during a 45-minute conversation (Zoom).

By making the changes suggested by the EHAA, you will be able to observe in your cat:

  • improving the functioning of the urinary system, which is a common cause of health problems in cats
  • the inflow of energy and improvement of mental and physical condition
  • improving the appetite essential for the cats’ health
  • increasing the resistance and effectiveness of the treatment of individual ailments and diseases


EHAA for your cat